Message from LULAC Council #307 President

This is an exciting time to be a member of the Latino community in Iowa as we grow both in population and influence.

Latinos and Hispanics are an ever-increasing sector of the population, both in Iowa and nationally. In Iowa, we comprise 6.8% of Iowa’s 3,190,369 million residents, with 215,986 residents (2020 Census data). That’s a 161.9% increase from the 2000 U.S. Census.

The League of United Latin American Citizens of Iowa, "LULAC Iowa," strives to be on the frontlines, advocating for Latino rights.

 In 2012, we completed the first-ever analysis of our community’s registered voters which has allowed us to consistently work to mobilize the Latino vote. 

 Why do we mobilize the Latino Vote? To ensure our elected leaders follow through with their promises.

 We believe there is power in numbers. If we join together, we can give Latinos a stronger voice and work to guarantee we have equal educational and job opportunities, access to healthcare for all and an immigration system that makes it fairer and faster for Latinos to gain U.S. citizenship.

 In 2016 and 2020, we mobilized our community to participate in the Iowa Presidential Caucuses, successfully increasing participation each year, becoming a game changer in the process. 

 Nationwide, Latinos comprised 20% (16.6 million) of the total vote cast in the 2020 election, an increase of 30.9% over the 2016 presidential election.

 A report published by the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Initiative determined that Latino voters were decisive in sending President-elect Joe Biden to the White House.

 In 2022, LULAC Iowa joined forces with another national group, “Forward Latino,” to amplify its voice in the state, garnering additional resources to educate and mobilize.

 LULAC-Iowa and Forward Latino will continue to educate our community about the power of the vote and lobby on issues impacting our community.

 We welcome you to join us today.  Si Se Puede!"


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